
Force 10 Brakes accepts PayPal and all major credit cards including VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, and DISCOVER. Payment is required at the time of sale.   

Sales Tax

Orders outside the state of New York are required to pay sales tax. All orders out of the US do not pay sales tax but may be required to pay VAT.


Neither Force 10 Brakes , its dealers nor agents shall be liable, in any way, for any damage, loss, injury, or other claims, resulting from the use or misuse, or inability to use any of our products. Buyer or user assumes liability of any kind connected with the use or application of our products. Force 10 Brakes sole responsibility shall be to replace whatever parts prove defective at their option. After all, the user shall assume all risk and liability whatsoever in connection thereof. Modifications may be required with Force 10 Brakes products on specific applications. We will not accept returns that do not have a full explanation on the tag as to the problem with a particular product.